Member-only story
Sounds of Summer
Summer in Australia has few joys to recall this 2019/2020 season.
The bushfires raging in many parts of our beautiful continent are unprecedented.
I have lived in four states of Australia (NSW, QLD, ACT and Tas) during my life and bushfires have always been a threat.
I offer my condolences to the people who have lost their lives, homes and livelihood. I salute the firefighters and support personnel who are fighting the battle for all of us.
A special thanks go to the firefighters from Canada, the US and NZ who have and are still coming to lend a hand in our hour of need.
I ask that we all take a moment to count the blessings that each one of us has in our lives.
I offer this diversionary tale from summers that have rolled around before and now to bring a smile.
The cricket image featured is probably a relative of the ones that my elegant blue-point Siamese cat Yindee would crunch on the back step.
That was the sound of summer for me during the years 1976–1992. Yes, she was nearly 17 when she died.